Bewahrung und Transfer des Wissens der Tibetischen Medizin




Reaktionen von FPMT zum FTI Bericht

Reaktion von FPMT zum FTI Bericht am 10.9.2020
"FPMT Inc. did not have an opportunity to discuss with FTI our concerns about some of the conclusions they arrived at, and FPMT did not have representation presented for discussion and consideration for inclusion in the FTI final Summary Report. This is because FTI unexpectedly informed us that their work with FPMT was concluded after the community statement was published. To read about these concerns, please click on the link at the bottom of this page.
Although this was outside its scope, FTI’s investigation has provided an opportunity for concerns to be expressed about other FPMT teachers/leaders. Where the complaint states the individual being complained about, we will forward the complaint to the relevant affiliate’s board, and we will then follow up and review the result of their local investigations." , Abrufdatum: 6.12.2020


Bedenken der FPMT zum Report des Faith Trust Institute
  , Abrufdatum: 6.12.2020